
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

the orangu tang

 Oh no said the orangutan no more girls to show off too I only can see a dirty creature who tried to be cool and do drifts but then he crashed. He just looking at me I said to him why did you scare the girls away he said nothing. This frog was just stomping on the rock he was so tiny maybe he got a growling from hius mum and he just had an attantrum on the rock the bunny in the grass was lie an robber pretending grass was money a while later these couple were kissing on this long lolipop looking thing I really wanted to chop the thing that they were on. Man I need to look good I need to lose weight and be less hairy to I never wanted to be a orangutang I wish I was a humuan.
look at her mmm mmm mmm! she looking good
whooo! she make me want to go on a date.

Monday, June 29, 2020


 lemeon smells like sugar and sour at the same time.

 lemon feels like rumbly stone pepple from the ground.

  it looks like golden syrup on the skin and it looks like a bees fur.

 lemons taste like a sour orange.